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Salvia greggii 'Royal Bumble'

Salvia greggii 'Royal Bumble'


This is a great Salvia for a sunny border or pot.  It has masses of red flowers during the summer months and well into the autumn, it just needs a little dead heading when the flowers are over to encourage fresh ones to appear.  The vibrant red flowers sit nicely against the contrasting dark purple green stems and green foliage.  Loved by bees and other pollinators.

  • Height and Spread

    0.50m x 0.45m

  • Cultivation

    Salvia 'Royal Bumble' will do better if given a sunny spot, it will tolerate a little bit if shade.  Just ensure it is in a well drained spot as it will not tolerate sitting wet during freezing winters.  It can also be grown in a pot and brought closer to the house to give it protection during really cold spells.

    Easily propagated from with soft wood and semi ripe cuttings

  • Additional Information

    Great for container planting.

    Good coastal plant.

    Given the RHS Award of Garden Merit and RHS Plants for Pollinators

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