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mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'

mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'


A great hardy herbaceous perennial for a woodland or shady part of the garden.  Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba' brings interest to the garden from early spring, through to the autumn.  It produces stems with clusters of small, creamy, white flowers.  The leaves are also very attractive, deeply lobed, palmate they have a green / bronze tint in early spring. Before turning a deep green with plummy red edges during autumn.

  • Common Name

    Crimson Fans

  • Height and Spread

    0.5m x 0.5m

  • Cultivation

    Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba' is a plant full shade or dappled shade.  Moist but well drained, fertile soil.  Being a woodland plant, soil that is humus rich will be of benefit, mulching with leafmould will help improve soil conditions if needed.

    This is a deciduous perennial, it will die back to below ground level in late autumn and reappear the following spring.

    The plant can be divided in early spring before it starts into growth.

    Protect from slugs and snails.

  • Great For

    Woodland gardens or areas that are shady.

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